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Christian Louboutin


Christian Louboutin

Challenge: Many fashion brands have advertisements that show products but lack an idea.

Insight: My Nana used to take me to the nail salon when I was younger. Her only stipulation was that I could not wear red, because red is for women. I remembered this when I got my first red lipstick as a 21st birthday present. Christain Louboutin's signature red color makes the brand a dream for women embarking on their womanhood.

Idea: What if we use the passion of the Louboutin red to arouse the pride of being a woman?

Step into Womanhood



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New York Fashion Week Stunt

We will invite the hottest celebrities, models, and influencers in the industry to an exclusive New York Fashion Week (NYFW) event.


Phase One: A few lucky young ladies, celebrating their 18th birthday during NYFW season, will join us on the catwalk. We will recruit these women through posters as well as social media posts. The young ladies who garner the most engagement on their original Instagram posts will be invited to rip the runway.

Phase Two: The public can also purchases invitations to the event. However, the location of the event will be withheld. It is the public’s responsibility to discover where Le Rouge will be held via social media hints.

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Creative Partner: You Wu